Monday, November 5, 2012

Flashmob Proposal in India with LG World Record - When it's just like the movies

I saw this on a blog I'm following and thought the author raised an interesting point. It seems like every videos these days, not just films but simple youtube videos, seems to be accompanied by a behind-the-scenes videos or bloopers or outtakes. There seems to be more and more dialogue and interaction between the creators and the receivers which I am not quite sure yet is a good or bad thing. Sometimes I wish the mysteries of the film making process could be kept more carefully so that the magic remains. Like how cool it is to not know that they used a spinning room to film that zero-gravity fight sequence in Inception? I would probably spend the rest of my life wondering, and gladly so.

Remember two weeks ago I talked about the new LG World Record Forum? Well, it seems like they’re moving up in the virtual popularity hierarchy with this flashmob proposal:

A guy was apparently going around the forum asking questions about home appliance products and the World Record guys saw it and decided to help him do something memorable to commemorate his other half. It turned out pretty well with around 100 dancers and 300 spectators or so at the scene which was quite impressive. The girl 
didn't seem to be that impressed though. And guess what, there's also a behind-the-scenes video, just like a proper film production, I’m expecting the Blu-ray to come out next month.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Game of Thrones Won Six Creative Arts Emmy Awards

HBO probably had a blast last weekend.  They brought home the most number of awards from the Creative Arts Emmys, which recognizes technical and production expertise.  Almost half of it is from their medieval fantasy series, Game of Thrones. The epic series received trophies for art direction, special effects, costumes, makeup, sound mixing and sound editing.

Game of Thrones is based on the novels written by George R.R. Martin and because the most of their filming is done in Northern Ireland majority of the casts are British and Irish. It used to be shown during Sunday nights and season 2 had its finale last June. Next season is scheduled March next year.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

iPhone 5: Is it Really Worth the Wait?

Last September 12, people who attended the Apple event had mixed emotions about the newest iPhone. Some people were dismayed because they find it boring. Some say they weren't really surprised because almost all of the information leakage about it were true. But of course, Apple loyal fans don't feel that way.

Personally, I think there's nothing really revolutionary with the new iPhone but I don't think it will really hurt their sales badly, even with Samsung's "it doesn't take a genius" campaign. The new iPhone doesn't really have anything new to offer aside from the improvements but they have a very strong brand.

One of my friends shared this Jimmy Kimmel Live's First Look:iPhone 5. It's so hilarious I thought it's great to share it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Thoughts on This Year's September 11 Memorial

This year's September's memorial could have been a great way for the presidential candidates to be visible but I'm glad that both President Barack and Mitt didn't go to New York. Otherwise, the true purpose of the day would have been overshadowed by politics.

President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama observed the moment of silence at the White House. While Mitt Romney went to Reno, Nevada to address the National Guard Association.

The true legacy of 9/11 will not be one of fear or hate or division. It will be a safer world, a stronger nation, and a people more united than ever before.

-President Barack Obama

Monday, September 10, 2012

El Monte Lifeguards Fired Due to Gangnam Style Parody Video

I, together with the other 6,000 +++ people who signed the petition of the 14 life guards for them to get their jobs back, believe that the decision to fire these kids over a harmless and funny video is a clear example of the upper management's failure of judgment. I agree that the action taken was exaggerated. A write up or a lesser disciplinary action would have been more acceptable. On the other hand, I disagree that what these kids have done is an embarrassment. I think that the video is a manifestation that the kids love what they are doing and the video was supposed to show how fun their workplace is but it was all messed up thanks to the "supposedly grown- ups."

Here's the video and see if there's something embarrassing about it or if they deserved being fired:

Jennifer Lawrence and the Silver Linings Playbook

The 37th Toronto International Festival opened last weekend and the most talked about celebrities who attended the event are Kristen Stewart, Miley Cirus, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. That is based on the articles I saw after searching about the said festival. The focus on Kristen is understandable since that was the first time she showed herself to public after the news about her affair went public.

There was one article though that caught my attention. It was about Jennifer Lawrence's extreme change in her style and it says that it is a marketing strategy for her upcoming film "Silver Linings Playbook." Honestly, I haven't heard about the film before because when you say Jennifer Lawrence the first thing that come to mind is "The Hunger Games." Looking on the picture below, I agree that it's difficult to tell that the picture is the same person. What more if you're not familiar with how Jennifer Lawrence looks like?

The writer praised the film and mentioned that it might be a ticket for Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro to be nominated and win for an Oscar.

"Silver Linings Playbook," is a comedy drama film and here's the trailer:

Friday, August 10, 2012

Could it be the future of 3D TV? - MIT Media Lab's glasses-free 3D


MIT has developed a new approach of glasses-free 3D which is way cheaper than Toshiba's glasses-free 3D TV released this year. After looking at the photos and the hand-on video by Engadget, I can't be more disappointed by its picture quality. They are all blurry and the picture details are terrible. The editor said it will surely be the replacement of active 3D technology but I don't think people would want to sacrifice 3D picture quality for a lower price and not having to wear 3D glasses. I believe glasses-free 3D will be the future of 3D display eventually but it still have a long way to go. For now, passive 3D TVs have overcome the shortcomings of active 3D sets such as bulky glasses which need to be charged every a couple of hours or flickering on the lenses and they are going mainstream.

Take a look at the full article below: 

Glasses-free 3D may be the next logical step in TV's evolution, but we have yet to see a convincing device make it to market that doesn't come along with a five-figure price tag. The sets that do come within range of tickling our home theater budgets won't blow you away, and it's not unreasonable to expect that trend to continue through the next few product cycles. A dramatic adjustment in our approach to glasses-free 3D may be just what the industry needs, so you'll want to pay close attention to the MIT Media Lab's latest brew. Tensor Displays combine layered low-cost panels with some clever software that assigns and alternates the image at a rapid pace, creating depth that actually looks fairly realistic. Gordon Wetzstein, one of the project creators, explained that the solution essentially "(takes) the complexity away from the optics and (puts) it in the computation," and since software solutions are far more easily scaled than their hardware equivalent, the Tensor Display concept could result in less expensive, yet superior 3D products.

We caught up with the project at SIGGRAPH, where the first demonstration included four fixed images, which employed a similar concept as the LCD version, but with backlit inkjet prints instead of motion-capable panels. Each displaying a slightly different static image, the transparencies were stacked to give the appearance of depth without the typical cost. The version that shows the most potential, however, consists of three stacked LCD panels, each displaying a sightly different pattern that flashes back and forth four times per frame of video, creating a three-dimensional effect that appears smooth and natural. The result was certainly more tolerable than the glasses-free 3D we're used to seeing, though it's surely a long way from being a viable replacement for active-glasses sets -- Wetzstein said that the solution could make its way to consumers within the next five years. Currently, the technology works best in a dark room, where it's able to present a consistent image. Unfortunately, this meant the light levels around the booth were a bit dimmer than what our camera required, resulting in the underexposed, yet very informative hands-on video you'll see after the break.

Source: Engadget

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

James Cameron sees the future of 3D in China

A still from 'Avatar'
The pioneer of 3D movies must be seeing the future of 3D in China where the profit of 3D movies goes up steadily while the ticket sales of 3D movies fell in US and Canada even though the number of 3D movies released increased in 2011. I am very happy to see that he is striving for more quality 3D content as one of the 3D fans but I have to disagree with him on one thing. Glasses-free 3D is no doubt the future but I think it will take some time to be ready for the mass. Toshiba released the first glasses-free 3D TV this year and many experts say 3D effect is not as deep as 3D TVs with glasses and it limits the number of viewers and viewing angle significantly. I have a LG's passive 3D TV set and it is by far the best 3D technology in my opinion. Unlike what James said, the glasses are not bulky at all. They are very light and comfortable. Anyhow, I am anxious to see what he will bring to us from the 3D venture in China.

James Cameron, the creator of 'Avatar' launches 3D venture in China.

James Cameron, creator of the blockbuster film Avatar, is betting that China is the place to jump-start 3D television after a shaky roll-out for the latest incarnation of the viewing format.

Cameron Pace Group, the 3D technology company co-founded by Mr Cameron, on Wednesday announced a joint venture with two Chinese state-backed companies to produce the advanced camera equipment needed for 3D filming. The value of the deal was not disclosed.
“It’s to get Hollywood to wake up and smell the coffee,” he told the Financial Times. “They [China] see 3D as the future, as we do.” Frustrated at the slow take-up of 3D TV in the west, Mr Cameron said the Chinese government’s commitment to the cause could make the difference in promoting wider adoption. 

Japanese and South Korean TV manufacturers would also like to see Hollywood commit more resources to 3D. Sony, Samsung and other groups first introduced 3D-capable sets to great fanfare in 2010, but sales have fallen short of initial projections. A scarcity of specialized 3D content has also been blamed for the slow uptake. After the success of Avatar, Hollywood released a string of “converted” 3D films – films shot in regular 2D then enhanced by computers to give the 3D effect – that sapped public enthusiasm for the genre. People have also been turned off by the bulky glasses often needed to view 3D images. 

By putting his technology in the hands of Chinese TV producers, Mr Cameron’s hope is that a big increase in 3D content in China will encourage consumer electronics companies to improve their display systems. “We want to get away from glasses because then the market will really surge,” he said. Mr Cameron follows a growing number of US film directors and companies that have come to China, attracted by its booming movie market. With box-office receipts up 30 per cent last year to $2tn, China surpassed Japan as the world’s second-biggest film market and could overtake the US within a decade, though the Chinese government still imposes a strict quota on imported films.

Source: Financial Times

Thursday, August 2, 2012

McKayla Maroney's Vault Performance

The Fabulous/ Fierce Five made USA very proud by taking home the gold medal for gymnastics team category. The last time that we won in this event was 1996.

But that same day, something else happened that we Americans are really proud of. One of the five girls, McKayla Maroney, showed the world the greatest vault performance in Olympic history.

The team decided to start with the vault, which they believe is where they are strongest and they were right.

To do the vault may be quick but it's very dangerous. Emily Bayci described how it's done:

"All the Americans can hit Amanars, which are considered the most difficult and dangerous vaults in the world. It consists of a round-off onto the board, then a back handspring onto the table and 2.5 twisting somersaults before the landing. Its start value is a 6.5, which is more than .5 points better than the other gymnasts."

This clip shows a slow motion of Maroney's vault performance. If in any case your tv has the 2D to 3D conversion feature. You may want to try using it for this clip. I tried it with my LG Smart 3D TV and I'm satisfied with the conversion. It worked well. Jumps and flips are some scenarios that look good in conversion.

I agree with the commentators that it was nothing short of perfect. The height of the jump was really incredible yet she was able to manage to land perfectly. There are pictures circulating, showing one of the judges with her mouth open, obviously because of amazement, yet they didn't give her a perfect score.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days

The Diary of a Wimpy Kid third's movie is focused on Greg Heffley's summer. However, it's not going like he planned.

I can't help but notice that these kids are growing too fast. Reminds me that somebody is getting old too.

This is another movie that the whole family can enjoy this coming weekend.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Jordyn Wieber Did Not Make it to the All Around Final

After a long day, as soon as I turned my LG Smart 3D TV on, the first thing I saw was a shot of Jordyn Wieber with hands on her face, crying.

The news said that the world champion Wieber was brokenhearted. She cried when she found out that she didn't qualify for the gymnastics all around final which she dominated for years. An error in her routine was a factor but it was not the main reason why she got ousted. There is a rule that only two gymnasts per country are allowed to compete in that event. Unfortunately, Raisman and Douglas scored better. I liked that she was so honest with her feelings yet she maintained to be graceful. She admitted that it was painful for her to see Raisman's routine but she was still able to wish them good luck.

Update: I wasn't able to see the floor exercises of Wieber so I searched for it from youtube on my LG Smart 3D TV. In this clip, you would see her routine and the error she made was impossible to notice. I can't embed the actual video but here's a link:

Watch it here.

Samsung Smart TVs and Angry Birds

Last week, Samsung made Angry Birds available in some of their current TVs. Come to think of it two big names partnered to give consumers a great experience. However, I learned that this game is entirely gesture control, remote and touch interface would not work. I wonder if this will be as successful as the Angry Birds we used to know. I watched CNET's review of Samsung's gesture control and like they said, I agree that it's still in beta. This version has a great tendency to make kids cranky than entertain them. What do you think?

3D Game Apps to be Available for LG Cinema 3D Smart TVs

LG announced a couple of days ago that they will make 3D games available as apps today. This is a great news for those who already own LG smart 3D TVs. The games are as follows:

Air Penguin
Frisbee Forever
Burn The City
Downhill Bowling 2 
Diversion from Unity Technology.

These games were chosen because LG believes they are fun, family friendly and of course highly playable in 3D. The games will be available on LG Smart World in the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Russia, USA, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Singapore, Philippines and Korea. They also said that more games will be provided come August.

Prescription Glasses and 3D

I know it's inconvenient to watch 3D for those who have prescription glasses but most of us still think that there is no other way but to wear the 3D glasses on top of the prescription glasses. Actually, this is not the case. Manufacturers have tried to solve this concern.

If you have a passive 3D TV, LG offers clip on 3D glasses. The idea might be similar to putting the 3D glasses on top of your prescription glasses but this is way more convenient. Plus, you won't feel

Samsung is well known for producing active 3D TVs. The problem of wearing the active 3D glasses on top of the prescription glasses has greater impact for the. Almost 2 years ago, Samsung tried to solve this problem by offering an active 3D prescription glasses but I don't think it was popular. I think the reason why it didn't become successful is the price. Imagine how much an active 3D glasses cost then add it to the usual price of prescription glasses (which also depends on how poor your eyesight is). To think that you can just use it for watching 3D.

Unless active 3D TV manufacturers provide real solution to this, passive 3D would still be the best choice for those who needs prescription glasses. What do you guys think?

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Jimmy Fallon: Olympic Thoughts

I'm joining the Olympic hype so if you noticed since last week, most of my posts are about the Olympics. Earlier, I used my LG Smart 3D TV to search youtube for videos of the opening ceremonies. I didn't succeed in finding one but I saw this clip from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. It's really hilarious so enjoy!

London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremonies

It was disappointing that NBC didn't live- stream the opening ceremonies of the Olympics but then again they're a business and they made use of the anticipated event to make more money by accommodating commercials. It was just supposed to be a 4-hour telecast but it took longer for us because of the advertisements.

I must say that Oscar winning director, Danny Boyle did a great job and for me aside from the parade of nations, one of the great highlight of that night is when Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth skydived. Of course, it was a stunt man who did that but the fact that the Queen allowed herself to be portrayed that way is something that doesn't happen all the time.

Earlier, I used my LG Smart 3D TV to look for a youtube video of the event's highlights. Unfortunately, as of the moment I didn't find any good video. So, for now I have pictures.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Smart Thief Caught on Cam

As I continue my search for a new TV, I'm learning more and more about the industry. With the "slimmest TV" war going on among the manufacturers, I decided to google the slimmest tv. The search results I got are mostly talking about LG's OLED TV presented earlier this year during CES. It's described  as thick as three credit cards. I hope I can attend an expo showcasing this TV so I can personally see how thin it is.

One of the search results I got is this viral video which I think is really funny and effective in portraying the tv as the slimmest OLED. I can't believe that I didn't see this video before.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

London 2012 Olympics in Ultra High Definition TV

I got excited when I learned that the London Olympics, which is about to start in the next couple of days, will be shown in 3D. Today, I learned there's another reason to get excited. Well, at least for those who are or will be in London. BBC with the help of NHK, a Japanese broadcaster, will conduct Super Hi Vision trials during the Olympics.

Super High Vision is a digital video format developed by NHK. It's going to have a 7680x4320 pixels resolution and 22.2-multichannel surround sound. Super High Vision is also known as 8K, 4320p, and UHDTV.

Unfortunately, London Olympics in Super High Vision could only be available to public in three UK theaters: BBC Broadcasting House in London; BBC Pacific Quay in Glasgow; and National Media Museum in Bradford.

As for me, I'll be contented watching the Olympics from my LG Smart 3D TV.

Stewart-Pattinson Scandal

Yesterday, the entertainment industry was surprised by People Magazine's and Us Weekly's features, Kristen Stewart cheating on her boyfriend of three years, Robert Pattinson. Who got in between them? Stewart's Snow White and Huntsman director, Rupert Sanders. A lot of fans were in disbelief claiming that the pictures might have been photo shopped but a public apology from Stewart was issued, thus, confirming that the reports were true.

My real concern with this issue is how it's going to affect the last installment of their Twilight movie. Will this scandal make or break Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2? What do you think?

Monday, July 23, 2012

4K: Higher than High Definition

Many of you might be asking what 4k means. That's the same question I had before. I learned about 4k after CES, earlier this year. The highest resolution we used to know for both movies and television is 1080i/p (1,920x1,080 pixels) but now 4k (at least 3,840x2,160 pixels) is attempting to slowly take its place, especially after last week's announcement of LG's 84LM9600.

Based on my understanding of the online information I gathered about 4k, it works best on large screens which could be a possible reason for LG's 84-inch TV. Like 3D, the main criticism for 4k is the lack of 4k contents. It is also said that the main benefit of this higher definition would be the enhancement of passive 3D, which others criticized as not showing full 1080i/p resolution.

Last week, I saw a trailer for the first consumer 4k film and what can I say about it? Pure awesomeness!

TimeScapes: Rapture 4K from Tom Lowe on Vimeo.

84-inch Ultra Definition TVs on Their Way to Korean Homes

Earlier this year at CES, LG showcased their 84-inch ultra definition HDTV and there were reports that it would be released this summer. I was skeptical with the speculations on when they would produce it for consumers, knowing that their google TV and OLED TV are also slated to be out this year. The announcement they made last week was a surprise for me.

 It was announced that they would be taking pre-orders (only in South Korea for the meantime) for 84 units of the 84LM9600,  priced at around 25 million Korean Won or around $22,000 each. Exclusivity comes with a very steep price! The TV is said to display a picture resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 UHDTV. 3D contents would still be displayed with 1080p resolution using passive technology. Of course it would still be equipped with Smart TV technology. It was also reported that those who would pre-order would  receive free 3D glasses and camcorders.

I've seen pictures of the TV like the one I posted above and I find myself imagining how immersive the viewing experience will be.

Should someone give you $50,000, will you spend a portion of it in buying this TV?

Christian Bale: My Heart Goes Out to Them

Last Friday, The Dark Knight Rises made history and not because of ticket sales but because of a gruesome massacre which killed 12 people and left 58 injured. It was reported that the cast was deeply saddened of what happened and Christian Bale, who played Bruce Wayne/ Batman in the movie issued this statement:

"Words cannot express the horror that I feel. I cannot begin to truly understand the pain and grief of the victims and their loved ones, but my heart goes out to them."

Like what Christian Bale said, I may not know exactly how the people who lost their loved ones  feel but I extend my condolences to them. This nonsense massacre has truly saddened the whole America.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Comic-Con International 2012

If you're into movies, video games or comic books I'm sure you know about the Comic-Con which happened last July 12-15 in San Diego.

There were a lot of announcements made and for me the highlights are from Marvel Studios and Legendary Pictures.

Marvel announced that there will be a third installment for Iron Man and is scheduled for the next summer. There would also be upcoming sequels for Thor and Captain America.

 Legendary Pictures and LG teamed up for this event. Legendary Pictures showcased their trailers using LG's latest HD Cinema 3D TVs namely LM6200 and LM7600

But the real shocker was announced by Legendary Pictures. There had been ongoing rumors that there will be another Godzilla movie and they put an end to all the speculations by showing a teaser trailer and a poster for it. I don't know how to describe the trailer but based on what I saw it's going to be more like the Godzilla we used to know. The new Godzilla movie would be directed by Gareth Edward who promised that they will take it seriously. Unfortunately, they didn't announce possible showing date yet.

How about you? What do you think are the highlights for this years Comic-Con?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Olympic Uniforms for Team USA Made in China

A few weeks before the Olympics start and here we are arguing about Team USA's uniform. Americans have different opinions about the issue and as for me I agree that it should have been made here in the US. After all, the opening ceremonies is a chance to showcase what makes us proud as Americans. It doesn't feel right that while we are proud to be Americans, we're showing off products of another country. Indeed, outsourcing can't be stopped and we're not really asking Ralph Lauren to bring back all their production here. We understand that they are also thriving but they should have made an exception.

 As for the politicians, although I share the same sentiment, I think they should not put all the blame to the Olympic Committee. Come to think of it, the committee is privately funded. They are not really in the position to demand from the sponsors.

This argument should end soon because it will definitely affect Team USA. We don't want out team to lose focus, do we?

Are you Ready for a Continental Drift?

Tomorrow we will know if Spidey will remain in the number 1 spot or if he will be ousted by Manny, Sid, Diego and Scrat.

The three other installment of the Ice Age Series have been very successful so there is a big chance that the fourth installment, which is a 3D computer animation, will reign this weekend.

Based on the trailers I've seen, the story would focus on family (which makes sense because families are their target audience) but they also added some spice to it by showing that Diego is bound to have a love life.

I will definitely watch this and there is a big possibility that this will be one of the movies I would want to have in blu ray. Judging by the scenes and angle shots this would look great in our LG Smart 3D TV, of course in 3D. I can imagine the kids asking me to play it over and over.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Lord of the Rings Trilogy Converted to 3D

If there's one movie that I would really want to see in 3D that would be The Lord of the Rings.

I think the scenes are perfect for a 3D experience. Watch this trailer and try to imagine what I'm saying.

I looked for a blu ray 3D version but I didn't find any. But because I was really eager to see it in 3D, I tried converting it from 2D to 3D. No, I'm not a tech whiz but it was simple for me because my LG Smart 3D TV can convert 2D images to 3D. It's just one of the nice features of my TV even if it's an older model. I wasn't expecting that much mainly because it wasn't really a 3D movie but my TV did a great job in converting it. The 2D to 3D conversion feature of my TV is not perfect. Those filmed as 3D are definitely still better. I've tried this feature a couple of times for various programs and sometimes it really works great and sometimes not so great. The conversion doesn't depend on the TV alone. In fact it depends a lot on how the movie or show was shot or made. Bottom line is: 2D to 3D conversion in my TV works.

I really wish someone would initiate producing a 3D copy of this trilogy and I'm very sure it would be a massive hit.

Talking to Your Future Self

Have you ever imagined doing that?

These past few weeks aside from my tv hunting I've also been VERY BUSY (I really have to emphasize that) with viral video hunting. I'm really amazed how these videos can make people very emotional. Last week,  some friends in facebook posted the same youtube link, I got curious and watched it. It's really well though out and it's hilarious for me. So, for those who didn't see it yet, here it is:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Smart TV Alliance Consortium

LG and TP Vision, representing Philips TVs, have announced the formation of a Smart TV Alliance. 

What an exciting news for all the smart TV users. LG claimed the purpose is to simplify the User Interface and let the applications run on any smart TVs no matter what platform it uses.

Lots of other smart TV producers like Samsung, Sony also showed their willingness to join the alliance if it’s possible.

These year, LG came out with many outstanding tech invents. This time, LG will continue to represent leadership and prove this dream possible.  

Make your own 3D contents

The other day, a friend of mine organized a 3D movie night to show off his new LG LM9600. All the old friends got together was really nice. We watched movies, we drank, and we talked but all of a sudden, my friend popped out a question. “Is there any way to make my own 3D content? Such a nice get-together night, I would like to document this kind of wonderful moment in 3D.”

I started to search. It’s actually not that difficult. Here we go.

First step: shooting

Items we need:

A 3D video camera or certain mobile phones, tablets come equipped with 3D cameras.

Second step: editing

Items we need:

Editing suite such as Roxio Creator or Magix Movie Edit Pro

Third step: sharing or viewing

Items we need: Youtube

(YouTube 3D works best with the following formats:
  • H264 AVC 1920x1080 Side by Side L/R with SEI Frame Packing Arrangement metadata.
    • Tip: You can use x264 to encode SEI FPA information.
  • WebM 1920x1080 Side by Side L/R with StereoMode information.)

  • active 3D TV brands: Samsung, Sony, Panasonic
  • Passive 3D TV brands: LG, Toshiba, Vizio

Monday, July 2, 2012

Amazon's Best Deals

I visited a couple of online retailers to see what they have for fourth of July. I still didn't upgrade my TV. When I went to Amazon, I checked their today's deals and under their best deals I found this:

I checked the available TVs but they don't show the price. They can't because they said it's lower than the suggested retail price. You have to add it on your cart  first before they could show you the price. Out of curiosity, I added LG 47LM6200 because I have another post about it and at that time it costs a grand. Now, here's their price:

I haven't decided which LG TV model I like yet but it says I have until the 28th to take advantage of the discount. For those who are planning to get a new TV, Amazon's deals are really better compared to other online retailers.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Amazing Spider Man: The Long Wait is about to End

More than a month ago, I posted about the movie's release date together with its trailer. I still can't understand why it has to be released in some part of Europe and Asia 5 days earlier than here in the US. Anyway, two more sleeps and I would see it in IMAX.

I'm excited to see it in 3D because according to Wikipedia, 3ality technology made it possible not to be post converted to 3D. It is said that it is the first to be filmed in 3D using 3ality Digital's TS-5 wireless and handheld beamsplitter mirror rig. In short, it is not up-converted.

I watched several trailers and I know it would really look cool in 3D. Thanks to the scenes with sweeping camera effects. Looks like this would be included in my collection of movies which I watch over and over in my LG Smart 3D TV. I would definitely look forward for its 3D blu ray version.

Here's another trailer for The Amazing Spider Man:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

“Most Wished For” in Amazon Televisions

In, there is a Wish list which customers can add their most desirable TVs at when they register or log in the website. (Updated daily)

Top 3 televisions are:


Among the top 20, there are 5 Samsung TVs and 4 LG TVs. It seems like LG is almost as popular as Samsung. In the past, this wasn’t true. Nevertheless, over the years LG has evolved into a competitive TV manufacturer (2nd in market share U.S) Nowadays, it’s not hard to see LG’s new break though in technology headlines on many tech sites. I guess Samsung really needs to watch their back now.
Here is the link for more details

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hot TVs sales on retailer’s websites

By the weather getting hot, sales on each retailer’s websites are getting hot too. 400-1,000 can be saved any moment.

  “Summer Electronic Event” in; “Deal of the week” or “1 day 1 deal” in; “the perfect TV in the perfect price” in

Let’s take a closer look in “up to 800 dollars these HOT BUYs” in  There 12 hot TVs from LG, Samsung and Panasonic are on its discounted list..

If click one TV, you will find more surprises.

Suppose I am going to buy this LG55LM6700 cinema 3D smart TV, I will find some suggestions like LG 3D Blu-ray Disc Player BP620 or DVD player or Monster Cable or TV mount or TV extends on sales. If I buy them together, I can get up to $987.50 off in total.
If you are like me wondering to get a new TV, you must find how amazing this is. Then why are you still waiting??

More 3D TV sales information:   Ebay   Buy  Sears

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

President Obama's Call Me Maybe Mashup Video

Baracksdubs uploaded a new mashup video of the President singing Justin Bieber's Boyfriend two days ago and now it has reached almost 400,000 views. But I still find the Call Me Maybe version better.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Call Me Maybe Videos

Call Me Maybe videos won't stop proliferating any time soon. Celebrities and other personalities, even regular people are joining the bandwagon. A couple of days ago I saw another version posted bdone of my friends in Facebook and this time it was made by cheerleaders. Watch it and find out why it got 7 million views and counting after two weeks of being up in youtube.

Brave: Another Masterpiece from Disney and Pixar

The last time I purchased a TV it just so happened that it was equipped with 3D feature. I didn't really buy it solely because of the 3D. It was more of like I didn't really have a choice since most newly released TVs are smart and 3D capable. I used to think that it was just another form of gimmickry until I watched Tangled. Our not-so-new (I don't want to call it old) LG Smart 3D TV convinced me that watching at home can be as amazing as watching in IMAX. As months passed by, I also noticed that manufacturers are getting serious in making 3D the future and not just a fad.  Another thing I learned is that your TV is not the only factor that would result into an amazing 3D experience but it also depends greatly on how the material was made. After all, the TV is an instrument that could enhance viewing experience. It is not really designed to rectify the shortcomings of film making.

A couple of days ago, Brave, a 3D computer- animated film by Disney Pixar was released. We haven't watched it yet. But based on the trailer it seems very interesting and it seems another Tangled movie. I will definitely purchase a Blu ray copy once it's released and hopefully by that time I would watch it in my new LG.

Enjoy the trailer!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Men in Black 3D

It was announced before that Director Barry Sonnenfeld will shoot the movie in 3D and it was heavily advertised as a 3D movie, so, I watched it in 3D. But while watching, I immediately noticed that there’s something different with the 3D effects. Not that something’s wrong with it, but again, something’s different. That’s when I started doubting that it was shot in 3D and as soon as I got home I checked online whether it was just converted from 2D to 3D. It was actually my fault. I should have checked before paying more. 

I don’t really like watching a 3D movie in theaters if it was just up converted during post production. Why? I have my LG 3D TV at home. It has 2D to 3D conversion. Personally, there are times when, especially on instances like this, that the only major difference I see between watching at home and in the movie house is that they have a bigger screen.  

Anyway, the story was good and I was moved. Here’s the official trailer:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Grand Can Buy You a 47” Smart 3D TV

 Yes, you read it right.

As I continue my search for information about TVs released this year, another model from LG’s LM series caught my attention—the LG 47LM6200. Well, with its price and features it certainly deserves my attention and yours too.

This model has sizes ranging from 32” to 65”. Take note that when I checked the price of the 65” online it’s worth $2500. For real.

The LM6200 has an edge lit LED based LCD TV.  It doesn’t have a thin bezel unlike most of the models from the LM series but if you think your dollars is more important than having that ultra thin bezel then this is perfect.

Cinema 3D
Since it’s from LG it still uses the passive 3D technology. Meaning, it’s flicker free and is still bundled with 6 pairs of lightweight passive 3D glasses. Picture quality is at par with the models that are a bit more expensive. It also has a Full HD 1080p resolution. You can still convert 2D to 3D, control 3D depth and enjoy dual play gaming.

Smart TV
For the Smart features it would still have the Magic Remote though it doesn’t include the voice recognition system. It still has the same user friendly home dashboard which you can customize easily. It would still have the 3D World which offers more and more contents in 3D. With the built in WiFi you can still connect to the net easily to search for your favourite Youtube videos.

Next time you have a grand in hand, think wisely. You can save it, sure, and let the banks earn using your money or enjoy it with a fully loaded 47” TV.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dual Play Feature

When I was younger I got addicted to playing video games. Oftentimes, I would play RPGs (Role Playing Games) but there would also be times when I want to play with my friends or siblings. Back in those times, we were very amazed with split screen and that was a perfect excuse when you lose a game. You can always claim that your opponent cheated on you. I never expected that there will come a day when it would be possible to play a game with another player, watching in the same screen while seeing different views. What makes it more interesting is that both of you can enjoy the size of the full screen. I can just imagine playing Gran Turismo without the other player knowing exactly what I’m seeing. It certainly adds to excitement and it can even make the game unpredictable.   I’ve learned about this as I was browsing a couple of TVs from LG’s LM series (2012 models).

Watch this:

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Premium Rush Trailer #2

The second trailer for Premium Rush is looking good. Lots of action and amazing stunts can be expected. JGL looking better than before and a great mystery as to what JGL is actually carrying

Watch the trailer here

Sunday, May 27, 2012

3D TV Glasses – LG Cinema 3D Family Pack

Bestbuy's LG Cinema 3D TV Deal

In, if you purchase any LG TV out of (55LM5800; 55LM6200; 47LM6700; 55LM6700; 47LM7600; 55LM7600), you will receive this family pack (a $149.99 value) for free together with the regular 6 pairs of 3D glasses come with the TV set. All in all, you will be equipped with 12 3D glasses as a total, enough to host 3D movie/sports/gaming nights.

LG Cinema 3D Glasses Family Pack

LG Cinema 3D glasses family pack includes two sets for adults, two sets for kids and two pairs of clip-on 3d glasses. Since they are passive 3D glasses, they are compatible not only with LG Cinema 3D TVs but also with passive 3D TVs by other brands. You can also wear them when watching 3D movies at the theater. 

I have a 42” LG’s LW model from last year. Since the 3D glasses don’t run on batteries, they don’t feel heavy on my face and they don’t cause any headaches that I usually get from flickering active 3D shutter glasses. What I love the most about my Cinema 3D TV is that it came with clip-on glasses. I used to wear 3D glasses on my prescription ones at the movie theater. Now I bring my clip-ons with me when I go watch 3D movies at theaters. I just ordered myself this 3D glasses family pack. The extra clip-ons are for my friends, the kid glasses for my cousins, and the cool looking metal frame ones for myself. I can’t wait!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Daniel Craig is back as James Bond 007 in Skyfall - Watch the New Trailer!

The first Skyfall trailer is live!
The first SKYFALL trailer has just been released, giving fans all over the world a thrilling glimpse of the 23rd James Bond adventure. SKYFALL will be in cinemas in the UK from October 26th, 2012 and in US theatres from November 9th.

“Country... England. Gun... shot. Agent... provocateur. Murder... employment."
“Skyfall... done.”

Monday, May 21, 2012

Kristen Bell & Dax Shepard on Jimmy Kimmel

Real life married couple Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell stopped by to talk with Jimmy Kimmel to talk about their trip to Africa and their new movie Hit and Run. We adored Kristen Bell ever since Veronica Mars and the other good thing about this movie is that Bradley Cooper is in it and he's sporting some cool dreadlocks.

Hit and Run is about a former getaway driver Charlie Bronson who jeopardizes his Witness Protection Plan identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los Angeles. The Feds and Charlie's former gang chase them on the road. Hit & Run hits theaters nationwide on August 24.

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