Monday, November 5, 2012

Flashmob Proposal in India with LG World Record - When it's just like the movies

I saw this on a blog I'm following and thought the author raised an interesting point. It seems like every videos these days, not just films but simple youtube videos, seems to be accompanied by a behind-the-scenes videos or bloopers or outtakes. There seems to be more and more dialogue and interaction between the creators and the receivers which I am not quite sure yet is a good or bad thing. Sometimes I wish the mysteries of the film making process could be kept more carefully so that the magic remains. Like how cool it is to not know that they used a spinning room to film that zero-gravity fight sequence in Inception? I would probably spend the rest of my life wondering, and gladly so.

Remember two weeks ago I talked about the new LG World Record Forum? Well, it seems like they’re moving up in the virtual popularity hierarchy with this flashmob proposal:

A guy was apparently going around the forum asking questions about home appliance products and the World Record guys saw it and decided to help him do something memorable to commemorate his other half. It turned out pretty well with around 100 dancers and 300 spectators or so at the scene which was quite impressive. The girl 
didn't seem to be that impressed though. And guess what, there's also a behind-the-scenes video, just like a proper film production, I’m expecting the Blu-ray to come out next month.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Game of Thrones Won Six Creative Arts Emmy Awards

HBO probably had a blast last weekend.  They brought home the most number of awards from the Creative Arts Emmys, which recognizes technical and production expertise.  Almost half of it is from their medieval fantasy series, Game of Thrones. The epic series received trophies for art direction, special effects, costumes, makeup, sound mixing and sound editing.

Game of Thrones is based on the novels written by George R.R. Martin and because the most of their filming is done in Northern Ireland majority of the casts are British and Irish. It used to be shown during Sunday nights and season 2 had its finale last June. Next season is scheduled March next year.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

iPhone 5: Is it Really Worth the Wait?

Last September 12, people who attended the Apple event had mixed emotions about the newest iPhone. Some people were dismayed because they find it boring. Some say they weren't really surprised because almost all of the information leakage about it were true. But of course, Apple loyal fans don't feel that way.

Personally, I think there's nothing really revolutionary with the new iPhone but I don't think it will really hurt their sales badly, even with Samsung's "it doesn't take a genius" campaign. The new iPhone doesn't really have anything new to offer aside from the improvements but they have a very strong brand.

One of my friends shared this Jimmy Kimmel Live's First Look:iPhone 5. It's so hilarious I thought it's great to share it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Thoughts on This Year's September 11 Memorial

This year's September's memorial could have been a great way for the presidential candidates to be visible but I'm glad that both President Barack and Mitt didn't go to New York. Otherwise, the true purpose of the day would have been overshadowed by politics.

President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama observed the moment of silence at the White House. While Mitt Romney went to Reno, Nevada to address the National Guard Association.

The true legacy of 9/11 will not be one of fear or hate or division. It will be a safer world, a stronger nation, and a people more united than ever before.

-President Barack Obama

Monday, September 10, 2012

El Monte Lifeguards Fired Due to Gangnam Style Parody Video

I, together with the other 6,000 +++ people who signed the petition of the 14 life guards for them to get their jobs back, believe that the decision to fire these kids over a harmless and funny video is a clear example of the upper management's failure of judgment. I agree that the action taken was exaggerated. A write up or a lesser disciplinary action would have been more acceptable. On the other hand, I disagree that what these kids have done is an embarrassment. I think that the video is a manifestation that the kids love what they are doing and the video was supposed to show how fun their workplace is but it was all messed up thanks to the "supposedly grown- ups."

Here's the video and see if there's something embarrassing about it or if they deserved being fired:

Jennifer Lawrence and the Silver Linings Playbook

The 37th Toronto International Festival opened last weekend and the most talked about celebrities who attended the event are Kristen Stewart, Miley Cirus, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. That is based on the articles I saw after searching about the said festival. The focus on Kristen is understandable since that was the first time she showed herself to public after the news about her affair went public.

There was one article though that caught my attention. It was about Jennifer Lawrence's extreme change in her style and it says that it is a marketing strategy for her upcoming film "Silver Linings Playbook." Honestly, I haven't heard about the film before because when you say Jennifer Lawrence the first thing that come to mind is "The Hunger Games." Looking on the picture below, I agree that it's difficult to tell that the picture is the same person. What more if you're not familiar with how Jennifer Lawrence looks like?

The writer praised the film and mentioned that it might be a ticket for Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper and Robert De Niro to be nominated and win for an Oscar.

"Silver Linings Playbook," is a comedy drama film and here's the trailer:

Friday, August 10, 2012

Could it be the future of 3D TV? - MIT Media Lab's glasses-free 3D


MIT has developed a new approach of glasses-free 3D which is way cheaper than Toshiba's glasses-free 3D TV released this year. After looking at the photos and the hand-on video by Engadget, I can't be more disappointed by its picture quality. They are all blurry and the picture details are terrible. The editor said it will surely be the replacement of active 3D technology but I don't think people would want to sacrifice 3D picture quality for a lower price and not having to wear 3D glasses. I believe glasses-free 3D will be the future of 3D display eventually but it still have a long way to go. For now, passive 3D TVs have overcome the shortcomings of active 3D sets such as bulky glasses which need to be charged every a couple of hours or flickering on the lenses and they are going mainstream.

Take a look at the full article below: 

Glasses-free 3D may be the next logical step in TV's evolution, but we have yet to see a convincing device make it to market that doesn't come along with a five-figure price tag. The sets that do come within range of tickling our home theater budgets won't blow you away, and it's not unreasonable to expect that trend to continue through the next few product cycles. A dramatic adjustment in our approach to glasses-free 3D may be just what the industry needs, so you'll want to pay close attention to the MIT Media Lab's latest brew. Tensor Displays combine layered low-cost panels with some clever software that assigns and alternates the image at a rapid pace, creating depth that actually looks fairly realistic. Gordon Wetzstein, one of the project creators, explained that the solution essentially "(takes) the complexity away from the optics and (puts) it in the computation," and since software solutions are far more easily scaled than their hardware equivalent, the Tensor Display concept could result in less expensive, yet superior 3D products.

We caught up with the project at SIGGRAPH, where the first demonstration included four fixed images, which employed a similar concept as the LCD version, but with backlit inkjet prints instead of motion-capable panels. Each displaying a slightly different static image, the transparencies were stacked to give the appearance of depth without the typical cost. The version that shows the most potential, however, consists of three stacked LCD panels, each displaying a sightly different pattern that flashes back and forth four times per frame of video, creating a three-dimensional effect that appears smooth and natural. The result was certainly more tolerable than the glasses-free 3D we're used to seeing, though it's surely a long way from being a viable replacement for active-glasses sets -- Wetzstein said that the solution could make its way to consumers within the next five years. Currently, the technology works best in a dark room, where it's able to present a consistent image. Unfortunately, this meant the light levels around the booth were a bit dimmer than what our camera required, resulting in the underexposed, yet very informative hands-on video you'll see after the break.

Source: Engadget

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